Raoul, this is great, thanks. Re govt debt coming down like in the '45 to '65 period ... given how much bigger (quantum) both govt and its debt is now do you still believe it comes down as quickly? If yes, is this because GDP itself is also bigger by a similar quantum?
RRP? Might need a glossary for this piece!
Still gold, though, as ever.
And if inflation becomes sticky, the boom may be more shortlived.
Jim Puplava reckons inflation takes 10 years to disperse.
RRP = Reverse repo. Instead of giving treasuries and getting cash, you give cash and get treasuries
Raoul, this is great, thanks. Re govt debt coming down like in the '45 to '65 period ... given how much bigger (quantum) both govt and its debt is now do you still believe it comes down as quickly? If yes, is this because GDP itself is also bigger by a similar quantum?